They are factors that help you to increase your sport activities.
Physical skills
They are the components of fitness, and they are essential to improve your habilities doing sport.
There are four physical skills: speed, endurance or stamina, strength and flexibility.
Stamina or endurance
It is a physical and mental ability to support fatigue during long efforts and improve the quick recovery capacity after the effort.
- The aerobic endurance increases the cardiac cavity.
- The anaerobic endurance increasses the fibers of the heart muscle.
- The heart resting decreases.
- It makes new capillaries.
- It activates the whole metabolism.
- Aerobic: is the ability in which you support long efforts with a low intensity and enough oxygen. The heart rate is between 130 and 160 pm.
- Anaerobic: is the capacity to perform for as long as possible intense efforts with no oxygen. The duration will be shorter than in aerobic endurance (3 minutes).
2.1. Lactic: it is between 10 seconds and 3 minutes. The intensity is high and the time is short (500 m).
2.2. A-lactic: it is between 1 and 10 seconds. The intensity will be the highest and the time is really short. (100 m).
Systems of training:
- Continuous running: you have to run continuously in between 20 and 40 minutes, and your heart beats must be between 140 hb per minute.
- Fartlek: you have to run continuously but in different sections. Your heart rate will not be regulate.
- Interval running: you have to run continuously but doing: first lap slowly, second lap quickly, and repeating.
- Circuit training: you have to do some consecutive exercises with obstacles.
It is a physicall skill that allows us to make our body to move as much as we can.
- Muscular elasticity: is the ability of muscles to become long or short without deforming, and returning to its original form.
- Joint mobility: it is the movement of joints and it can vary in every person.
- Gens: some people are more flexible than others by genetic characteristics.
- Sex: women are more flexible than men (usually).
- Age: the younger, the more flexibility.
- The usual type of work: the movements in our daily activities can increase or decrease our flexibility.
- The period of day: our flexibility cahnges during the day, in the morning we are less flexible than at night.
- Ambient temperature: the higher temperature, the better flexibility.
- The temperature of the muscle: the more muscle temperature, the easier to strech.
- Fatigue: it contracts the muscles and decreases stretching.
- Training: if you are trained, you will have more flexibility than another person who is untrained.
- Active: you move your muscles.
- Passive: an external force helps to the action.
- Static: no movement.
- Dynamic: movement.
Importance of flexibility:
- You will perform better and easier.
-You will improve your health: balance, elimination of postures, no arthritis, better recuperation after an activity...
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