miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014



It is a series of exercises that the body prepares physically and physiologically to make a more intense effort back in top condition.
It consists of : stretching (first), joint mobility (second), and games(third).
1. 2. 3.


  • It has to be complete, you have to work out all your body (muscles)
  • It must be progressive, you have to start doing warm up slowly, but then you have to increase your intensity.
  • It should be adapted to the sport you are going to practise, or the activity you are going to play.
There are two different types of warm up:
  1. General warm up: you can do it for any activity you want. You have to strech all your body from the low part to the top part and doing it carefully.
  2. Specific warm up: this warm up is for a particular activity or sport you are going to practise. Depending on which sport you choose, you have to give more importance to the parts of the body you are going to use more in this activity.
It helps you to...
  • Prevent sports injuries.
  • Improve the sports performance.
  • Your temperature will increase.
  • Your heart beat will increase.
  • Your respiration will be higher.
  • You will get more tired.
Autonomous warm up:
You have to concentrate yourself and do the warm up as good as possible.

Resting heart rate. 
You must get up during some days and you have to take your heart rate. After these days, you will get the result of your resting heart rate.

Working heart rate and rank:
You have to substract 200 - your age and the result must be multiplying by 0.55 and 0.85. The result must be the working heart rate rank.

Systems involved during warm up:

  1. Respiratory system: it allows more oxygen to blood vessels and it helps to eliminate carbon dioxide, which allows you to do more effort.
  2. Cardiovascular system: it increases in heart rate, producing a btter flow of blood and it gives the muscles an amount of oxygen and other products to work better.
  3. Locomotor system: muscles are prepared to support the work that your body is going to do and it also helps joint movements.
  4. Nervous system: it helps our body to react to the activity we are doing.
  • Duration: when it comes short, the body temperature doesn't rise, but if it comes long, the body temperature will get you very tired.
  • Intensity and progression: in the beginning, your intensity must be slow, and you have to increase it slowly, so you will never feel fatigated.
  • Repetitions: we don't have to repeat each exercise so much, it is better to do various and with 5 to 10 repetitions.
  • Pauses: we must have short breaks between exercises, so, our temperature will get low.
  1. You must start with a continuous running, to increase your body temperature.
  2. Mobilize different body segmentes to activate your organism.
  3. Stretch.
  4. Breathe.
  5. Alternate muscle groups on different exercises.

  • Stamina test: you have to run for twelve minutes without stopping, you have to run with your own rythm and try not to stop.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  • Flexibility test: you have to sit down stretching both legs in a bank, then, relaxed, you have to stretch bot arms as far as you can, trying to touch the bank.                                                                                                                     
  • Medicine ball throwing: you have to throw a ball as far as you can. It is not the same ball's weight; for men is 3 kg and for girls is 2 kg.                                                                                                                                                         
  • Agility test: you have to run ten times from one cone to another (5 m) as fast as you can.                                                                          
  • Forward jump: you have to jump forward as far as you can. Your feet must be together after the jump.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  • Speed test: you have to run as fast as you can along 50 m.                                                                                                                                    
  • Sit up test: you have to do all the sit ups you can in one minute. A classmate can help you holding your feet.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  • Agility circuit: uyou have to follow a circuit made by obstacles like hurdles and cones. You have to do it as fast as you can.                                                                                                                                                                               

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